This page is designed to help you give SCITEXT all the details we need. Simply email us with the details requested. Or, if you are faxing or posting a document to us, you can print it, fill it in and send it together with the document.
To: SCITEXT CAMBRIDGE, 139 Macaulay Square, CAMBRIDGE, CB22 5AG, UK,
Fax: +44 1948 710645
I have read and I accept SCITEXT CAMBRIDGE’s conditions.
Please edit the following document:
Number of words:
Edit on paper / computer file (indicate your choice)
Return guaranteed within 2 / 5 / 12 working days (indicate your choice)
Fax number (only if you require return by fax):
Postal address (for dispatch of credit card slip):
Method of payment: credit card / PayPal / cheque / other (please specify). (Indicate your choice; further details below)
If you are paying by credit card please fill in these details:
Card type (Mastercard, Visa, American Express etc):
Card number:
Security number (last 3 digits on back of card, if present):
Expiry date:
Name (as on card):
Cardholding address:
Amount of payment (in UK pounds sterling):
Signature (as on card):